

Stewart Street

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Stewart Street

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Stewart Street

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New lease of life for a tired, old bach

Overlooking Lake Wakatipu to the West, our clients had a family bach which over the years had formed many happy family memories but was no longer fit for purpose.

Spurred on by a neighbour’s recent renovation and unsure of what to do, we were asked to provide a vision which kept as much of the bach as possible but expanded the building and connected with the beautiful view.

Having such an expanse of glass towards the lake and street was a concern for our clients and the solution was a ‘cassette’ within which the windows were set at a height to block out the road and pedestrians but low enough to see out whilst settled on the couch in front of the fire.

The first aspect to resolve was to improve the flow and layout of the building without removing any of the structural supports. Once this was achieved, we were able to develop the exterior elements of the home to create a modern look along the street facing façade and the updating the back of the house which remained largely untouched to keep costs down.

A large rear deck facing the Remarkables allows for sheltered outdoor living and access to the existing flat back yard for children to play on whilst being monitored from the kitchen and living rooms.
The downstairs garage was reinstated with a small guest room and ensuite in a former storage area to allow for additional guest overflow.

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Our experience with a major renovation was brilliant. Right from the outset we were relaxed and comfortable with the process.

The communication from the Bespoke team couldn't be faulted. We had a concept plan in mind, they listened to what we said and they gave us ideas which came to fruition very quickly. The house has functionality and a look which is both modern and timeless.

Bespoke made the most of the footprint of the old house and gave us so much more when the project was finally realised. We have a house now which is just brilliant to live in. The house meets all our needs and more.

We wouldn’t hesitate to use Vincent and his team on future builds or renovations.


Frank & Lyn Garthwaite

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Tell us if any of these projects look like what you’d like to achieve – or if you’d like a piece of completely original architecture. We’d love to talk to you about design and creative ideas for your home.

Contact us to book a call, and we’ll be in touch within one working day.

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