A floor plan sketch

Bespoke design.

Your project is unique – you won’t come to Bespoke Architecture for a cookie cutter building. Below are some of the steps we may take to bring your home to life

Our extensive experience, skills and design creativity will be fully available to you. Every decision is pragmatic and will help deliver you the value and result you’re wanting.

From innovative design solutions to council bylaws, our team has the practical experience to solve problems and help you navigate the process.

Simple. Clear. Effective.

Get in touch
An orange arrow
An image of houses shot from afar


This is where our relationship begins. You contact us and we learn who you are, how you want to live and what’s important to you.

Together we focus on discovery, insight and trust.

A sketch plan


We get to work. We gather the gritty detail and the background information and create a clear brief for your project.

We plot out constraint, regulation, potential, and possibilities. Then we meet with you and share our findings.

A building plan


We do a feasibility study for your home, renovation or development. This is the detailed planning phase, which must be thorough and effective.

Then, pen meets paper. The first concept drawings come to life. How does the design feel? Imagine how you will live in these spaces.

Once we are all in agreement, we put the project information memorandum (PIM) application to council.

A detailed building plan


We build your project team, recommending trusted professionals with the right skills and experience to construct your dream. Compatibility is a must, so you’ll meet and approve your builder and consultants before committing.

Together we focus on discovery, insight and trust.

An image of an apartment complex

Combine and outline

We pull the detailed documentation together and present it to council for approval. They then issue a consent to proceed.

The building can nearly begin.

a house with a sunset sky

Change the skyline

We make sure every detail is managed and nothing is overlooked while you build.

We work on tender procurement, construction detailing and make site observations to smooth the building process.

Get in touch
An orange arrow


This is where our relationship begins. You contact us and we learn who you are, how you want to live and what’s important to you.

Together we focus on discovery, insight and trust.


We get to work. We gather the gritty detail and the background information and create a clear brief for your project.

We plot out constraint, regulation, potential, and possibilities. Then we meet with you and share our findings.


We do a feasibility study for your home, renovation or development. This is the detailed planning phase, which must be thorough and effective.

Then, pen meets paper. The first concept drawings come to life. How does the design feel? Imagine how you will live in these spaces.

Once we are all in agreement, we put the project information memorandum (PIM) application to council.


We build your project team, recommending trusted professionals with the right skills and experience to construct your dream. Compatibility is a must, so you’ll meet and approve your builder and consultants before committing.

We complete the developed design and produce a detailed set of drawings. Your builder can use these for initial price estimates.

Combine and align

We pull the detailed documentation together and present it to council for approval. They then issue a consent to proceed.

The building can nearly begin.

Change the skyline

We make sure every detail is managed and nothing is overlooked while you build.

We work on tender procurement, construction detailing and make site observations to smooth the building process.

Get in touch
An orange arrow

Before you buy.

Before you commit to a section or piece of land, get in touch with us to ensure you are making the right decision.

We can give you free advice on which section will provide the best opportunities for design while making the most of light, access and amenities.

How to know if you're ready to build.

Our free discovery guide provides you with all you need to consider before building a new home.

  • Gain clarity on your readiness to build your dream home or property.
  • Identify key factors and considerations to help you make informed decisions.
  • Feel empowered and confident as you embark on your building journey.

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